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Photos from 2014
Dexter – Covered Bridge

CRC Wins!

What a beautiful day for a race!

Calling in the rowing angels!

I'm sure this nose makes me faster!

Last words

Time to go!

Why can't I breathe?

Whew – done and happy!
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Opening Day

Rowing thru the yachts

2nd place (age 50) in the Mx40+!

The crowds in the Montlake Cut
NW Regionals 2014
NW Regionals 2014

Beautiful venue!

The family photo

A mighty fine crew

Here We Go – Again!

OK. Now I feel nervous!

Race! Work! Race

Go get'em!

First true CRC quad
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Overall 2014


2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC

2014 CRC
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