Club Membership
The Corvallis Rowing Club (CRC) invites try-outs for interested rowers who have successfully mastered our two summer Beginning Rowing Classes or who have sufficient sweep rowing experience from another rowing club or college crew. All prospective members, as well as any guests, must affirm the ability to swim, sign a release of liability waive and be under the approval and supervision of the CRC coaching staff.
Minimum age for membership is currently 21. At this time, we do not have the resources to administer a junior program.
Visiting guests from another rowing club are welcome to participate with CRC for a practice as a courtesy to our partnership in the greater community of masters rowing clubs. Interested visitng guests should contact the Membership Coordinator (see Contacts page) beforehand to coordinate attendance plans.
Guests (as prospective CRC members) must prove an adequate ability to row based on past experience and the acceptance of the CRC coaching staff. Such a rower will be permitted a maximum of three rowing practices to prove adequate capabilities, but may be declined at any time the coach feels there is a safety risk. Upon acceptance, a prospective rower who wishes to continue with CRC is expected to formally join the Club including appropriate fees. Upon decline, the prospective rower will be encouraged to take our summer rowing classes. Interested guest rowers should contact the CRC Team Captains beforehand to coordinate attendance plans (see Contacts page).
Membership fees
$200 annual membership dues
$100 per quarter for members who attend one or more practices in that quarter
Race costs are additional and vary with each regatta
Scullers in singles and doubles using the OSU crew docks must be members of CRC. These rowers will be expected to pay the club annual dues, but do not have to pay the quarterly fees if they do not participate in club sweep practices. Guests are not permitted in an unsupervised outing in singles or doubles.
Guest rows and youth rowing. Get the details.